Chanukah Tour around Ukraine December, 3-9, 2007
The performance “Chanukah Variations” rut on the stage by Zaporozhye regional theatre was seen by more than 4 thousand Jews not only in 5 Ukrainian regional centres

Zaporozhye Zhytomyr Chernigov Vinnitsa Cherkassy, but also by spectators from 18 small towns and settlements in these regions with dense Jewish population, that is: Zolotonosha, Kozelets, Priluki, Korsun-Shevchenkovskiy, Kanev, Berdychev, Oster, Smela, Korostyshev, Zhmerinka, Mogilev-Podolskiy, Kazatyn, Korosten, Gnivan, Melitopol, Nezhyn, Khmelnik, Gaysin.

Feliks Mindel ligths up Chanukah candles before the play
The tour was initiated by our donors, and the fund PWC embodied the idea and became the organizer of the tour.
The tour was conducted thanks to active co-operation with Jewish communities and Jewish organizations of Zaporozhye, Zhytomyr, Chernigov, Vinnitsa and Cherkassy.
Chanukah Play
Chanukah Tour