On May, 14th, 2008 Israel celebrated the 60th anniversary since the country received its state independence. There was a range of festive events all round Ukraine dedicated to the anniversary and organized by the Embassy of Israel in Ukraine and the Jewish Agency “Sokhnut” with participation of many international organizations operating in Ukraine. The fund PWC was an intermediary among JAFI, the Embassy of Israel in Ukraine and our foreign donors who had a wish to partially fund those events. In compliance with the agreement with the First Sectretary of the Embassy Feliks M. and the representative of “Sokhnut” in Central and Western Ukraine Haim K., the fund PWC took active part in celebrations.

Zina Kalai-Klaitman, Israeli Embassador in Ukraine and Moldova and President of the fund PWC Igor Levenshtein
In compliance with the agreement with our sponsors, the fund PWC gave this event material support. The President of the charity fund People Who Care Igor Levenshtein attended festive events in Kiev, Odessa and Lvov. He also visited Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk on the eve of the events in those cities, met the leaders of the local Jewish communities and the chief rabbis Pinkhas V. (Donetsk) and Shmuel K. (Dnepropetrovsk). Activities of the fund were welcomed and highly appreciated during those meetings. The festive event in Simferopol was conducted in the largest hall meant for 800 spectators – the Crimean Ukrainian music theatre. The hall and foyer were packed with people who arrived from all around the Crimea (Sevastopol, Yalta, Alushta, Yevpatoriya and other cities).

The fund PWC received a separate booth in the foyer for presentation of its program. There were lots of those who wanted to get to know more about the fund and its programs, including charming children.

All the participants of the event in Simferopol signed the appeal to the Jewish people which ended with stirring words: «We call for the Jewish people to stick together around the Jews of Israel repatriating to the country and supporting Israel in the fight for fulfilment of the eternal Jews’ aspiration for liberation”.

For spectators, the program was not just a pleasant way to spend their free time. People received a charge of pride for Israel and their belonging to the Jewish people. They enjoyed performance of talented artists and of an outstanding musician and wonderful showman Leonid P.

It was a unique opportunity and the festivities accented the attention on Israel – the land waiting for its sons and daughters living in exile. Participation in the 60th anniversary of Israel was a status event for the fund, and it gave PWC a chance to talk about themselves - both at the level of potential olim and Jewish organizations working in Ukraine. This also gave bright prospects because during his visits to the cities of Ukraine the President of the fund Igor Levenshtein communicated a lot with partners (the Embassy of Israel, Sokhnut, directors of Heseds and community centres, rabbis, directors of Jewish schools and so on). The circle of contacts and new ideas was enhanced during those meetings. 
Those ideas and contacts might be helpful for the fund in fixing its position among Jewish organizations in Ukraine and in fulfilling its programs. |