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How our children are doing in Israel?
How are our children doing in Israel?
You should not wonder that we call all the children whom we helped to leave for Israel our children. They have really become our children, as soon as they were covered with our care in Ukraine. Some of them managed to get to Israel only due to efforts of the fund PWC. We managed to find necessary documents that confirmed the children’s repatriation rights.
But absolutely all of them were surrounded by our care and attention before they left for Israel. That is why we became close people for them, too. We were those beloved people from whom children were expecting to have presents, joys and wonders. It was proved during our visit to Israel. Real relatives have never been generous enough to give those children gifts. Each Ukrainian relative knew about our visiting Israel but there was only one granny (Artur G.s’ one) who passed her letter and 85 euro to the child.

The rest of relatives from Ukraine considered it was not necessary to send at least a letter. So we tried hard to compensate their horrible indifference towards the children who now lived in Israel. Each child received 100 euro in a pretty envelope with the fund PWC’s logo and words “A Pleasing Surprise”. The children were just excited!

Their joy was our joy.

There is no larger happiness than to observe joy of a child warmed by care and love. The children were sincere in expressing their gratitude, asked to arrive again.

All the children at schools Yemin Orde, Le Zion B’ Rina, Bat Zion are at full catering (clothes, food, living, care, medical supply). However, if there is a chance, children try to earn some pocket money (cleaning and other jobs). Some boys and girls from Le Zion B’ Rina and Bat Zion even manage to send money to their poor relatives in Ukraine, some of them save money in order to be able to visit their families in Ukraine, some of them want to buy something special on the earned money. It was on the tutors’ request that we increased the number of children who were to receive “A Pleasing Surprise”. We added to our list those especially poor children who receive absolutely no care from their relatives. We were greatly surprised when we got to know those children had got mothers. But in Ukraine, those mothers were in such a great need that their children (being under 16) are trying to help their poor mothers in any way they can.
In all the three schools Yemin Orde, Le Zion B’ Rina, Bat Zion there are great conditions for children. They live in perfect climatic zone, they receive excellent food, clothes and footwear, and they have got cosy bedrooms.

Children are surrounded with caring tutors and demanding teachers. Classrooms are comfortable, curricula – of a high level.

At their free time, children are occupied with interesting and useful hobbies, widen their horizons. In short, they appeared in another world where they were no longer poor, futureless, neglected beings. In Israel they are cared of, they live in a country which loves them and they love it in return. They become independent individuals who have got their goals in this life and know well how to achieve those goals. We were happy to see metamorphoses happened to each of those children. They were open, free, liberated from complexes. They are well, ruddy and healthy. By the way, Yemin Orde and Le Zion B’ Rina are situated in mountainous regions with clear air and wonderful scenery around. This helps children grow up full of health.

Children who originated from problem families in Ukraine were extremely grateful for such a happy turn in their fate. It was bliss for us to bring from Israel a sincere thank-you letter addressed to all of those who helped the children get to Israel.

We also want to thank all of those who has helped and assisted those poor children who now live in Israel, surrounded by wonderful people.

Those children now have got a chance for a good education and a successful career in Israel. But there is another, even more important fact: those children have already felt that the society needs them, they have become personalities who are ready to make serious decisions in their life. They are being prepared to an independent life with positive motivations. And that is why those children love Israel, their historical motherland, which gave them such a lot of positive emotions and a way towards a happy future.

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Charity Fund “People Who Care”.
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