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Aleksandr B.

Aleksandr B., Lozovaya, Kharkov region

Aleksandr B. was a Jewish orphan. He was 15. His mother Zhanna B. was an alcohol addict and did not take care of her children. Since 2003 Aleksandr’s mother has been missing, probably, she is no more. Aleksnadr’s father, after his wife’s disappearance, had a new wife. He had never taken part in bringing up his son, never gave any material help and finally became an alcoholic. He was deprived of parental rights.

Aleksandr’s guardian was his granny Tamara. It was she and her husband who took care of the boy since the day he was born.
Aleksandr’s granny brought him up in Jewish traditions. On holidays, they used to visit the Jewish community in Lozovaya. Five years ago granny Tamara sent her grandson to a religious boarding school Shaalavim. Sasha lived in a dorm, studied and was greatly interested in Judaism. Sasha was dreaming of going into further religious education in Israel.
Aleksandr left for Israel with his granny. There lived all her relatives: her own sister, three aunts (her mother’s sisters), their children and grandchildren. Tamara’s sister lives in Bat-Yam. Tamara and Aleksandr’s first Israeli home was going to be in Bat-Yam, too.
Tamara was happy to live with her grandson in the Land of Israel. She hoped to have a good life among their relatives who had been waiting for them for so long. In a year, Tamara’s husband, Aleksnadr’s grandfather was going to join them in Israel.
Aleksandr would have a happy future in Israel, the future he was dreaming of connected with studying Judaic traditions and culture.
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